Available on Blu-Ray

Now Streaming on the Fawesome App!

Madison Sovak stars as Mary, a troubled teen who ends up in OASIS, a residential treatment center, after nearly taking her life.  Her attempt to focus on healing is foiled by a sinister presence lurking within the walls.

"Dark Frequency" is a drama/thriller written and directed by Ryan Callaway and co-produced by Kailee McGuire and Amy Callaway.  Rounding out the main cast are Kristin Macke, Keryn Math, Rivers Duggan, Madison Stallings, Marissa Malone and Nneoma Ogbonna.  Composers Tasos Eliopoulos and Pig7 are providing the original music.

"Dark Frequency" picked up four wins at the November edition of the NJ Film Awards including "Best Feature Film", "Best Actress" for Madison Sovak, "Best Supporting Actress" for Kristin Macke, and "Best Ensemble" for the entire cast.

The film premiered at Grove Film Festival on Wednesday, December 18th at Teaneck Cinemas(New Jersey) where it won Best Feature Film and Madison Sovak was nominated for Best Actor or Actress.

The film is now streaming exclusively on the Fawesome App and will be released on additional VOD platforms and channels in the coming months.  

Stay tuned for more details.


Residents enter Oasis on "Arm's Length" a probationary period with very restricted privileges.  They must be (generally speaking) within arm's length of staff at all times and can't wear shoes to deter them from running away.  A day or two of good behavior promotes them to Level 1, and higher levels are obtained by their engagement in discussions and activities, ability to solve conflicts, being helpful, etc.  More perks and responsibilities come with higher levels, including phone usage, more free time,  outings with staff and approved family members, and dessert or later bedtimes.  

Colette (Keryn Math)

Level 5  Colette is one of the more stable residents at Oasis.  She's fun to be around and highly intelligent, which sometimes gets her into trouble as she isn't above provoking the other girls just for a reaction.  At home she's in the care of her aunt Linda who is only a few years older, but lives on her own and is stable.  

Olivia (Nneoma Ogbonna)

Level 5  While Oasis has been the first or second step for most troubled teens, Olivia's past with drugs and abuse took her through several treatment programs before she arrived here.  She's survived quite a bit and has learned many hard lessons along the way.  She tends to get along with everyone - the staff love her and the other girls look up to her.    Because she's so advanced she sometimes forgets she is also technically "in treatment" which can cause some conflicts, but overall she's a net positive to those around her.

Aurora (Madison Stallings)

Level 3  Aurora was sent to Oasis after terrorizing her parents at home and for negatively influencing her little sister.  Upon entering Oasis she had a power struggle with both the staff and the other residents, attempting to assert the same dominance she earned at home.  Consistency and "tough love" from the staff, as well as the desire to get home to her sister, has mellowed her out in recent weeks and she's been making an effort to improve.

Emma (Marissa Malone)

 Level 2  Emma has suffered unimaginable abuse and a chaotic home life with a single mother who loves her but made several poor decisions, including allowing the wrong people to be alone with her.  Emma has an innate need to know exactly where she stands with anyone in her space, so she tends to fluctuate between kindness and aggression until she figures things out.  Consequently, she causes lots of conflicts which has kept her around Level 2. 

Mary (Madison Stallings)

Arm's Length/Level 1  Mary is a brilliant student and an accomplished athlete but a turbulent home life has led to her having crippling panic attacks.  She is brand new to Oasis where she is struggling to fit in and find her place among the other girls while still dealing with fresh trauma.  


(While Oasis employs part-time therapists of all specialties, these are the Day-to-Day Staff Members)

Carissa (Kristin Macke)

Residential Manager - Carissa loves her job and works hard to foster an environment that mimics a strong home life with both genuine love and clear, concise expectations.  While she is responsible for administrative tasks, she prefers to be involved with the girls as much as possible. She was raised with an older sister Brynn, a a troubled teen herself, who ran away from home and tragically committed suicide. Carissa(15 at the time) ignored a phone call from her the day of her death and struggled with blaming herself for a long time before deciding to turn her grief into a positive for others.  

Kristin (Sasha Pearson)

Day Staff/Residential Counselor - Kristin was hired alongside Carissa when Oasis began 5 years ago.  She was raised in the foster system herself but managed to keep herself grounded even with an unstable childhood.  She is now a licensed social worker who has held numerous jobs in various group homes.  Kristin is working on a degree in art therapy and hopes to continue at Oasis in that capacity in the future.  She is fun and personable, but also no-nonsense and is often seen as the enforcer among the staff.

Gardyn (Olivia Mignone)

Day Staff/Residential Counselor - Gardyn was a product of the "troubled teen industry", a constant runaway who got into all kinds of trouble, leading to her getting pregnant at 16 with her now 8 year old daughter Shania.  Becoming a mother prompted her to seek help and turn her life around whereas most of her  friends ended up dead or in prison.  Wanting to help others like her and her friends led to her volunteering at in the industry before she was eventually hired at Oasis. 

Jill (Madeleine Warren)

Night Staff/Residential Counselor - Jill is the youngest employee at Oasis, currently in college working toward degrees in psychology and therapy.  As an adolescent her defiance and violent outbursts led to her being expelled from multiple schools and spending months in a juvenile detention center.  She attended Oasis in its first year at the age of 17, graduated, and returned a couple years ago to "give back".  She is the most relatable staff person in the eyes of the girls and is particularly close to Aurora.

Tara (Rivers Duggan)

Night Staff/Residential Counselor - Tara is a Registered Nurse who works part time during the day at a school while doing overnights at Oasis.  She's a friend of Oasis CEO and Entrepreneur, Alistair Scott.   As a teenager she struggled with mental health issues but was able to hide it until a failed suicide attempt.  Once her problems were exposed her parents sent her to a residential treatment center and she managed to turn her life around.  She enjoys helping others both physically and emotionally, is hardworking, resilient, and is considered a confidant by most residents at Oasis.

Alistair (Hiram Ortiz)

CEO/Director - Alistair, a licensed child therapist, worked as a guidance counselor at several schools while also obtaining a master's degree in business and management.  He opened and oversaw several companies, including one responsible for a popular social media app.  As a guidance counselor he had several students who went to residential treatment centers, some of which were not quite up to his standards.  Rather than sit back and complain he opted to lend his expertise and money to opening one of his own.